Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday December 7th 2010

Good Afternoon!

I feel like I really accomplished something at work today! I cleaned out the lab and did some equipment swapping in our ops (I work for a dentist). Funny thing is if we called the people who are suppose to hook all that equipment up it would cost a few hundred dollars. Come on people its not all that hard!

Sometimes I get into a cleaning mode and theres just no stopping me! Now I wish I could get into that mood at home, cuz I know it could really use it!

World of warcraft new expansion came out today. I am so bummed, I have been playing WoW since it first came out, but about the last year I just haven't had time to play. I was one of the geeks who stood out in line at midnight to get the new expansions, this year I didn't and ya know what I kinda feel let down. The Bouquet making business has just been so busy (thank goodness) that I just don't have any fun time anymore.
Hopefully with the time off I have around Christmas I can get my bouquets caught up and then I might have some free fun time.

Nothing else new and exciting to write about today.

Have a good one!

Monday, December 6, 2010


I am tired, but then what Monday comes that I am not tired.

I am scared, scared of what you ask... Everything! My husband has been laid off now for a year and a half, we went from doing ok to wow now whats going to happen! I know there are so many people out there that are going through the same things we are. Looking back, we could buy things we wanted without a second thought, and most of the time we did just that. Now I wonder how much longer are we going to able to keep our house, put food on the table and all that kind of stuff. I want to kick myself for all the stupid things we bought that we didn't need, how that money would come in handy right now!

I have a job, but it isn't enough to make a dent in the everyday bills, I have a side buisness that has taken off this year, again, not enough to pay the bills! My husband is highly educated, he has alot of knowledge and experience in the technology field, but so do so many other people out there. I am doing everything that I can do, but I can't seem to see out of the dread of each month...paying the house payment, buying food, and now lets add Christmas on top of it.

Luckily the kids are for the most part adults, so their understanding of there just isn't any money in the budget for Christmas presents is totally understandable, but I feel so bad that I can't get them things that I would like to. They really don't need these things, but as a parent you want to.

I constantly check the news of the extended unemployement, hope and pray that it goes through, even though it doesn't come close to what he use to make, it does make a difference of having enough to make the house payment, which at this point is my biggest concern. We built this house, we have lived in this house for 12 years, its nothing extravagent, but to us its our palace, our home, a place we feel secure at least for this month.

My husband doesn't talk about things much, which really doesn't help. I want to help, I want to do what I can. I know this has taken a big chunk of self esteem and makes his somewhat depressed. He wasn't laid off due to his work ethic, the company he worked for suffered through a long and painful bankrupcy that took a company that use to employ 100,000+ to selling off bits and pieces to whomever would buy it just to pay off creditors. Whats wrong with Corporate America? They are stupid! When things are good they spend lavishly, with no concern with whats to come, but hey at least the CEO who tanked the company got out with his pension and bonuses, while everyone got nothing, not a darn thing! With the company being in bankrupcy there was no serverence pay, retired employees lost their pension, what is this about!

I am tired, sick and tired of the rat race. I don't mind working, You have to do something to get something, its just the politics, the era of people not appreciating anything and think that everything should just be given to them no matter the situation.

With that I make my exit, to go about my day, hoping that some sort of hope that my husband heard some news about something. At least a trickle of hope can make the day go better.

Thanks for listening, and if no one is there to hear it feels good to just write it down and get it out of my head for the time!